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Focus on SLIMdri I-970

August 17, 2015

The SLIMdri I-970 is a great choice if you're concerned about ADA compliance. This unit offers compact 10.7" x 11.43" x 3.9" dimensions and boasts the same great features as many of our larger units. These include:

By ordering your new SLIMdri I-970 from Allied today, you're ensuring quick delivery of your product, speeding up ADA compliance for your location.

Paper Towels vs. Hand Dryers: What You Need to Know

With so much conflicting information on the Internet, sometimes it's hard to know what to believe. When it comes to paper towels versus hand dryers, however, the verdict is in: case closed. Here's why modern hand dryers beat paper towels, hands-down:

So browse our site, and order your new SLIMdri I-970 hand dryer or other products today.